What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Simply put, regenerative agriculture is aligning with how nature operates, rather than against it (conventional farming). It is not a one size fits all practice, rather you must understand the land you own along with nature & weather.
There are key principles that are normally practiced in regenerative agriculture such as:
Minimal tillage - tilling the land disturbs and kills the microbiology underground, thus destroying topsoil
Zero use of herbicides/pesticides/insecticides/fungicides - these toxic chemicals destroy microbiology underground and biodiversity above ground, deplete nutrients in the crops, worsen our health, and to make matters worse they don’t really work. Pests, fungi, and so on build resilience towards chemical sprays.
Adding crop diversity - monocropping is a major issue in the US. Drive anywhere in the midwest and all you see are cornfields. Go to any forest in the world, do you ever see just one species of plant? No, because that’s now how nature works. Monocropping depletes the soil & since there isn’t biodiversity, any small pest or fungi can ruin everything. What happens then? Spray chemicals, worsening the environment.
Integrate livestock - livestock eat the plants and grass and in return nourish the soil with their nutrient-rich manure, which boosts microbial activity underground & protects the soil.